Electric Boilers Ready to Ship

  • Using electricity to fire a boiler is clean, efficient and easily controlled
  • All the energy to the boiler is converted to steam with near 100% efficiency
  • There is no stack to buy or install
  • Zero boiler emissions meet growing local codes
  • Permits are simpler for installation
  • Electric Boilers can operate at infinite turndown with SCR controls thus save power demand
  • Relatively higher quality steam can be made through the whole operating range
Latest Posts From Reimers

RV60 – RV210 Electric Steam Boiler Series 

Reimers Model RV60-RV210 Steam Boiler vertical boiler design; very low floor space requirements.

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Heat Exchanger

Works as a tankless water heater. Produces potable hot water and uses no valuable floor space. Resides inside the boiler. ASME construction.

VIEW specification PDF

FIND Your Boiler.

Steam Worksheet & Replacement Parts for Your Boiler